Praise for The Guild Master’s Daughter

"A compelling tale of bravery...

An imaginative exploration of the burden of gender ... and a valuable contribution to the growing sub-genre of Women’s Historical Fantasy."

~IndieReader Review

"An honor to read

The perfect mix of character, plot, and worldbuilding."

~Nancy, Whidby Island, WA

"I simply couldn't stop reading.

The premise was outstanding... If you need something new to read, this is it!"

~MWH, Amazon Reviewer

"I absolutely loved it.

The nuggets of fiction hidden in the real events had me glued to this book."

~Leigh, Amazon Reviewer

"This was a really fun read.

The imagery was great. The plot was great. The plot depth was fantastic. And the historical aspect was spot on with just the rigtht amount of fiction... I think this would be great premise for a movie or series!"

~Laura, Goodreads Reviewer

"This was so good!!!

The usage of imagery describing the Ink and how the images came to life through Phantasia!!! I was just eating up the descriptions of the world...Faith was a badass. I was so proud of her for standing her ground every chapter about one thing or another. I loved reading her story!!!

~Claire, Goodreads Reviewer

"this was a beautifully done story,

it had everything that I was hoping for from the description... Geneva Price has a great writing style and left me wanting to read more in this universe."

~Kat M, Goodreads Reviewer

"a fantastic mix of fantasy and history.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book...The characters are relatable and the story is original. I especially appreciated the use of actual historic figures as characters in a fantasy book. This is the first book I’ve read by Geneva Price and I will definitely be reading more of her work!"
~Marjorie, Goodreads Reviewer

"It is going to make you wish that the Ink were real!

 I am amazed at how vividly she built this fantasy world that was so farfetched and yet so believable. Excellent creativity!...Faith as a character, especially as a female lead of a historical fiction work, is unlike the typical FMCs of this genre. She is morally grey, but not in the way you would think... The writing is beautiful, being well balanced across inner monologues, descriptions, dialogues and action... I loved the imagination of the plotline and how it brought the art world to life, literally."

~Rosh, Goodreads Reviewer

Get Swept Away

"An exemplarily researched Regency-era fantasy tale about the passionate pursuit of realizing one’s dreams that swept me away with its prose."

~J. Lynn Esle, The Historical Novel Society

Out Now

Faith is limited only by what she believes is impossible…

    …and the Guild Master who will do anything to stop her.

The Guild Master’s Daughter is the award winning tale of one young woman’s journey to create her own destiny through courage, self-discovery, and the extraordinary power of belief. Lose yourself in her world of artistry and magic, where dreams take form, art becomes life, and the imagination knows no limits.

Winner of three awards!

Historical Fiction Company Award of Excellence
Cross-Genre Finalist Best Book Awards 2024
Historical Fantasy Finalist American Fiction Awards 2024


Available in eBook format through Amazon, Kobo, and Apple Books. Available in hard and soft cover via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, independent bookstores, and libraries everywhere. If they don’t currently carry it, please ask them to order it! 

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Author, Artist

Geneva doesn’t niche very well. Curiosity, luck, and wide ranging interests have allowed her to accumulate unique experiences like a dragon hoards treasure. Or, another way to look at it, her resume probably resembles the profile of a serial killer trying to stay one step ahead of the law. Currently, and for the foreseeable future, she is an artist and author. As an artist, she focuses mainly on florals, landscapes, and fantasy but works in a wide variety of media and styles. As an author, she is inspired by history (you can’t make this stuff up), and fantasy (totally made up) equally. Her new release and current works in progress all take place at the intersection of history and fantasy, but who knows where her passions will lead in the future?